Monday, July 20, 2009

This Puppet Situation

I haven't blogged in a few days. SORRY! I've been hanging out with the burruss family. on Sunday nights we have this party at their house called Amelia's Going Away Party part ??, last night was part 3. It's a huge build up.
This week in the life of Riverstone Staff is GARDEN DAY CAMP. I'm teaching puppets. I don't know anything about puppets.. or teaching little kids.. we'll see how this all works out. David Smith is coming for the internship part of the day. He comes every week for about an hour. We LOVE HIM. He's a professor at tech.. but you can tell he's one of those teachers that is a good teacher. He cares about you learning... especially you learning for yourself. I'm willing to bet that if I ever had him in school... He would be one of my favorite teachers. Like ms. worsham who would ask a question then stare at us till we paid attention and discussed what she was talking about. I've learned a lot while he's teaching... allowing my mind free reign is a good thing. Time to roll out. Get my puppet show on the road.

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