Thursday, October 8, 2009


Confession: I have 5 written unposted blogs....I just wasn't feelin em.
I've wanted to blog a lot recently.. but have not been very satisfied with what I've written. Maybe today won't be all that different... or maybe it will be a lot different. I don't know. I did promise a vlog soon... perhaps I can scout out some willing cohosts for the day. :) it might be hard... most of my friends are camera shy... not.
OH BOY. it is day 13... only 3 more days my friends. Then if there is anyone left in the world that doesn't know what's going on... i will tell them. Assuming everyone in the world A) reads English. B) has internet C)reads my blog..... duh. valid assumptions about 6.5 billion people. right?
Lunch with the lovely katie van gorp today. I'm excited for it!
I got a new bible... and started a new journal. the pages of the bible are all stuck together.. I only have 15 minutes to finish this blog... or it goes back into the land "draft posts"... Will I make it? i really want to take a nap today...
Can't wait for the weekend! Michael's football game in Athens! can't wait to see the Burruss Fam! Saturday, North Georgia Folk Festival. yeahhh! exciting.
Maybe a little bit of baking this weekend too ? I just got the recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. nahm. nahm.
katie van gorp has arrived! HERE WE GO!

1 comment:

Kurt Miller said...

Thats pretty sweet that you and Katie VG hang out. I guess she's cool.