Monday, December 13, 2010

I can't even order Gumby's Pokey Sticks for finals munchies. r.i.p.

2:32 am - same location as before. Not moved an inch.
17 pages conquered. 4 chapters read. now all we can do is pray that i will wake up in 4 hours with a full night's rest. Ready to take a test, work, and study for my exam that is on Tuesday morning. SHABLAMMY whammy.
i'm toast.
good news: i still like my major. even though this class has been the most boring. ridiculous. not stressful just a pain in the booty class to take. hard for people who didn't pay attention in world history, economics, gov, or any other social science classes you might've had in high school... but for those of us who have had a natural interest in the subject ... the topics of discussion seem to be coming a bit redundant... i'm pumped about next semester... HUZZAH. 2 IA classes: Human Rights and one on Genocide.
i know. depressing. heavy. yadda yadda... the neon sign that I can see.... INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!
cablammmy. mammy.
time to sleepy for just a minute.
5 alarms at the ready. i'm armed and dangerous, anticipating a reluctant awakening.

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