Thursday, January 13, 2011

hiding from tomorrow

It's been awhile since I've found myself laying on the floor hiding from the world under my trusty blanket. Reflections of the whirlwinds of my life of the last two years has brought me to attempt to process it all and shut it out all at the same time, hiding under my blanket laying on my floor. I think there are a few moments in life when you are able to realize you are at an emerging future, that you are leaving behind a piece of your life. I think these moments generally coincide with other big moments in your life [like graduations and stuff]. I'm not really at one of those moments, not yet, but I've been convinced that something new is coming my way this semester. In expectation I've begun the process of really evaluating what I've been learning lately, about me, about the world, about life. I want to separate the bad from the good and recognize that there is always something to learn even in the disappointing moments of life.


stephanie said...

Love this. Love you. I'm excited to see and talk to you soon. I'm kind of at the same point. I can't wait to see where you go from here. Behold 2011 .... here we come!

Kristin said...

Love your new blog design! :) I'm proud of you!