Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Summer in the Basement

Let the words from my lips always be Thank you Lord.
All I can really muster for this last "summer in the basement" blog is this...
I love the Lord. I love how He speaks to me. I love the way he's faithful to show up in coffee shops, basements, weekend hideaways, craft nights, cabins at summer camp, first pew in church, the office, in the car, at birthday parties, on the beach, on the square, at waffle house, and everywhere else in between. He is generous and loving. His banner over me is love. It's always love. Even when I don't know what that means. He loves. All I want is to know this man. Thankfully I don't have to guess at his affections, He's the hopeless romantic type. he wants to know me too.
Thank You Lord for this hidden summer.

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