Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Going to the theater by yourself is one of my favorite things, especially in Portland. First, let me explain that Portland does neighborhoods. This southern gal's mind flips to the track neighborhoods with a name and a sign and maybe a little pool or tennis courts. You turn off of a main road into a neighborhood. Suburbia style. Since moving to Portland, I've not seen a single area that matches that description. Portland's neighborhoods are a cluster of houses, condos, apartments, etc. with a main strip that has your grocery stores, theaters, restaurants, pharmacy, bodega, etc.

So, quite a few of the neighborhoods in Portland have their theaters. We're not talking AMC or REGAL or IMAX something or other. This is like Laurelhurst Theater, Hollywood Theater, The Bagdad Theater, etc. They are local and magical. In Portland theaters, they sell a variety of Beer, Wine, Cider. Also, Kombucha and appropriately sized cokes. Local Pizza & Tots. It's the kind of place where it's easy to daydream yourself right into the 40's. With Marquees and classic "theater" signs. The best part is - It's so Cheap. 

This weekend I went to see Selma. I thought I would give a salute to the southland. I realized while watching the movie that it had been a while since I heard the phrase "Cotton Pickin'." I also realized that this part of the country was not quite as educated on the specifics of the civil rights moment as I had been. I overheard comments in the theater from local Oregonian's that had difficult understanding what certain characters were saying. I smiled to myself. #flyinsolo 

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